IPOPI’s 2021 Review of Activities and Achievements
Key publications, News, ReviewsIPOPI’s 2021 Review of Activities and Achievements is now available. 2021 was a busy year for IPOPI, filled with events, campaigns, and policy efforts to improve care for patients with primary immunodeficiencies.
The new strategic plan for 2021–2025 served as a guide to strengthen our educational programme in 2021. Throughout the year, we organised several webinars for PID Clinical Care Education in addition to publishing six new educational PID leaflets and a mini-documentary on PIDs with antiinflammatory and rheumatological crossovers. Additionally, we have maintained our support for stakeholder cooperation in initiatives like Screen4Rare and ERN-Rita. IPOPI was also instrumental in the establishment of International Neonatal Screening Day, taking place annually on June 28.
In addition to this, we have organised several EU PID Forums in the European Parliament as well as three successful regional PID patient meetings in Africa (Hybrid), Latin America (Online) and Asia (Online advocacy workshop). We are proud to work with and represent a growing number of national member organisations who all share our common vision to improve PID patient lives.
We hope you will enjoy reading this annual report, which highlights the most significant IPOPI initiatives, campaigns, and events in the previous year.
IPOPI joins antimicrobial awareness campaign
The World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (WAAW), observed yearly from November 18–24, aims to increase public knowledge of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and encourage best practices among stakeholders to reduce the emergence and spread of drug-resistant pathogens. To curb AMR effectively, all sectors must use antimicrobials prudently and adopt other preventive measures. Without effective antimicrobials, the success of modern medicine in treating infections would be at increased risk.
IPOPI is a campaign partner
WAAW is organised in partnership with European Antibiotic Awareness Day (EAAD), and IPOPI is engaging in both WAAW and the EAAD to benefit patients with primary immunodeficiencies who depend heavily on antibiotics. In addition to joining the campaign as an EAAD partner, Jose Drabwell from the IPOPI Board will represent IPOPI at the campaign’s launch event on November 17 and offer input from the PID perspective.
For a large portion of individuals with primary immunodeficiency, antibiotic prophylaxis is required for a significant period of their lives in order to fight or prevent infections, lower the risk of hospitalization and enhance their quality of life. Since resistant bacteria complicate PID management, antimicrobial resistance is a growing problem for these patients. IPOPI is participating in this international effort to prevent antimicrobial resistance and ensure that they continue to be effective for patients in need.
See IPOPI’s previous work on antibiotic awareness
Contact us
Avenue Louise/Louizalaan 65, Bte 11
BE-1050 Brussels, Belgium
IPOPI aisbl is an international non-profit association registered in Belgium
Numéro d’entreprise
BE 0761.784.055
Email: info@ipopi.org
Tel: +32 2 790 73 66 (Belgium)