NEX – Network of Experts

Dr Manuela Mura (Regulator)

Dr Peter Jawroski (Ethicist)

Nurse Mary Louise Daly (Nursing)

Professor Albert Farrugia (Plasma industry/access specialist)

Professor Bobby Gaspar (Advanced therapies industry specialist)

Professor James Taylor (Ethicist)

Professor Dr Frank Staal (Academic ATMP specialist)

Professor Dr Cornelis Boersma (Health economist)

Mr Matthew Hotchko, PhD (Plasma Industry market data specialist)

The IPOPI Network of Experts (IPOPI NEX) is a consultative network providing expert advice and information to the IPOPI Board of directors.
NEX experts do so on a voluntary and needs-driven basis. Their fields of expertise are diverse but differ from the PID clinical and scientific expertise of IPOPI Medical Advisory Panel (MAP) members. Unlike the MAP, the IPOPI NEX is not a formal body in the governance structure of IPOPI. It is a consultative network of experts that helps ensuring IPOPI can implement a multidisciplinary approach to its work.

We are grateful to all our colleagues on the IPOPI NEX for their expert advice, collaboration and support to our mission.